San Giovanni Battista by Alessandro Stradella
San Giovanni Battista (St. John the Baptist) by Alessandro Stradella is the Baroque version of the Salome story, which is perhaps the most profane story in the New Testament. In it, the princess Salome, at the behest of her mother, demands the head of St. John the Baptist in return for services rendered to her stepfather Herod, the King of Judea. (Whether those services were a dance or something more intimate depends on which version of the story you read).
Stradella’s opera was composed in 1675, 230 years before the story was immortalized by Richard Strauss, and 10 years before the birth of Bach, Scarlatti, and Handel. In fact, Handel was so struck by the brilliance of Stradella's score, he purchased a copy for his personal collection. Plus, the role of Salome was the first professional role sung by a young Maria Callas. Though composed as an oratorio, Catapult Opera’s production of San Giovanni Battista will be the American stage premiere of this masterpiece.

An Unsung Symphony: Simon & Brahms (Soprano Cover)
The Unsung & NY Philharmonic present "Songs of Separation" & Brahms' "Requiem", exploring intimacy, longing & the powerful role of women.

The Tongue & The Lash Opera
A Chamber Opera, Created and Conceived by Composer, Damien Sneed and Librettist, Karen Chilton. Directed by Denyce Graves.
The Town Hall celebrates James Baldwin and the 60th anniversary of the Baldwin/Buckley Cambridge debate with the New York premiere of the chamber opera, THE TONGUE & THE LASH by Damien Sneed, composer/conductor and Karen Chilton, librettist. Making her Town Hall and New York directorial debut, the opera will be directed by world-renowned mezzo-soprano, Denyce Graves-Montgomery.

WNYC & The Apollo Present - “A Burning House”: MLK and the American Experiment
This annual event from WNYC and The Apollo will explore Dr. King’s enduring legacy through the lens of belonging, reflecting on his vision for a just and inclusive society. Through powerful conversations with prominent public intellectuals, community and faith leaders, authors and artists, we will ponder democracy and civil rights under a second Trump administration. Join us for this inspiring tribute as we honor Dr. King’s dream and engage in a timely dialogue on the ongoing project of forging an equitable society

Comfort Ye... The 29th Annual Concert to Benefit the Homeless
Admission to the event is:
A used clean overcoat(s)
a warm clean blanket(s)
a new unwrapped toy(s)
2 packages of baby diapers
$40 cash or check made out to:
Music and Mentoring House, Inc.

Eclat Opera
Èclat Opèra Sunday
Sun, Nov 17
Kingston, Jamaica
Èclat Opèra! An evening of Arias, Classics, Spirituals & Jazz. November 16 & 17. Kingston Jamaica. Visit: https://www.eclatoperajm.com/ for tickets and more information

GIA's Presentation of Dr. Uzee Brown's "Spirituals and Inspirational Songs"
Soloist for the presentation of Dr Brown’s new collections of “Spirituals and Inspirational Songs”.

Anthems of Spring 2024
A Celebration of the Pipe Organ and the Christian Experience
Guest soloist, Olanna Goudeau

Margaret Bonds- Credo (text by Langston Hughes) |
Understudy: Soprano Solo
Saturday, March 25
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Lafayette Presbyterian Church (Fort Greene, Brooklyn)
85 S. Oxford Street Brooklyn, NY 11217
Sunday, March 26
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: St, Ann & The Holy Trinity Church (Brooklyn Heights)
157 Montague Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Trailblazers: A Celebration of Women's History Month through Song
This is a condensed version of a longer program. The concert is a nod to four amazing African-American female singers across four genres.
Rob Fingerz Wyatt is on piano and it’s been a treat watching him jump in and challenge himself. It will be a relaxed celebration of women!
FREE and open to all!

Unsung Collective w/ Bethany Collins | The Battle Hymn of the Republic - A Hymnal
Happy to join the Unsung Collective for it's second collaboration with Bethany Collins on in a series of performances of the Battle Hymn of the Republic— A Hymnal.
“Written by the abolitionist Julia Ward Howe in 1861, The Battle Hymn of the Republic is perhaps the most familiar early American contrafacta, a musical term referring to a song in which the melody remains constant while the lyrics are rewritten over time. Each re-writing in support of a passionately held cause—from revolution, suffrage, temperance and Indigenous sovereignty, to the Confederacy and abolition—articulates an often contradictory version of what it means to be American.”— BrynMawr.Edu
Filling the Lane Presents | VOICES
Voices " A Celebration of Music Through Voices'' is a two-night event. A celebration of music through the years

Voices of the New Winter Festival
We celebrate the extraordinary power of communal music making to create connections in this concert featuring the world premiere of Raquel Acevedo Klein’s “Songs in Motion.”
Opera Theater Saint Louis | New Work Workshop - "The House on Mango Street"
Role: Rachel
Derek Bermel and Sandra Cisneros’ THE HOUSE ON MANGO STREET
Handel's Messiah in the Caribbean
The Concert Chorale (Courtney's Stars of Tomorrow) celebrates the holiday season with a joyful performance of G. F. Handel's timeless classic, Messiah. The special concert also marks the culmination of the events celebrating Jamaica's 60 years of independence as a nation. Tickets are available and can be purchased by clicking the link below. Part proceeds of ticket sales will go towards Zion Care international's project to establish a Burn Unit at the Kingston Public Hospital in Jamaica.
Vivaldi's Gloria & Timothy Amukele's What Sweeter Music
December 1st - 7:00PM
December 3rd - 7:00PM

New York Philharmonic Chorus | David Geffen Hall
Angélica Negrón
You Are the Prelude (Text by Ricardo Alberto Maldonado; World Premiere–New York Philharmonic Commission)
Symphony No. 9

Neo Muyanga’s A Mass of Cyborgs at the CARA - Center for Art, Research and Alliances
Olanna joins The Unsung Collective for a residency at the CARA. The residency consists of performance of Neo Muyanga’s work, A Mass of Cyborgs. The exhibition runs two weekends per month through March 2023.

Opera Theatre of Saint Louis | Workshop of Reimagined "Treemonisha"
Role: Treemonisha
Saturday marked the first official workshop of the newly re-imagined "Treemonisha."

Hannah's Song of Praise
Role: Hannah
While Hannah is not remembered for many things, the story of the birth of her son Samuel marks the beginning of a new era in the history of Israel - soon, there will be Kings reigning over the people. In this painful, powerful, yet poignant transitional moment, God chooses to use a woman -- unlikely, unloved and looked down upon -- as the vehicle to move a nation forward.